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Article 1: Name and Boundaries

The name of this association shall be known as the Vidor Pirate Intermediate Football Academy, Inc. (VPIFA). It shall function as a non-profit corporation organized exclusively for the purpose of providing a youth sports venue for children.

Section 2:

This association shall include children residing within the Vidor Independent School District (VISD). The ages of the children will be determined by the rules of the hosting league in which VPIFA is a member. The VPIFA Board of Directors may consider special circumstances as they arise.

Section 3:

Football/cheerleading activities and competitions will be against teams of other local associations and approved by the VPIFA Board of Directors. Practices and games will be held between July and December of each year in accordance with UIL rules and regulations.

Section 4:

This association shall play its home games at a site within the Vidor area as scheduling and set-up allows.


Article 2: Purpose of Association

Section 1:

The purpose of VPIFA, in conjunction with the VISD Athletic Department and local business sponsors, is to provide a quality football and cheerleading program to the youth of Vidor. The program will be developed and managed on the foundation of teaching the importance of academics, athleticism, team work, sportsmanship, character, courage, discipline, hard work, and self-esteem. VPIFA shall exist as an educational, non-profit youth sports program for the Vidor community.

Section 2:

It is this association's goal to bridge the gap between youth sports programs and the athletic programs of VISD. VPIFA strives to assist the VISD Athletics Program by preparing children for football and cheerleading competitions at the Jr. High School level.


Article 3: Membership in Association

Section 1:

Vidor Pirate Intermediate Football Academy, Inc. is an independent incorporated association whose membership shall consist of children, parents, guardians, grandparents, siblings, or volunteers who desire participation in the VPIFA football and cheerleading activities. Only players and cheerleaders who reside within the VISD will be eligible to participate in the VPIFA program. All coaches and volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and out of high school. Exceptions must be approved by the VPIFA Board of Directors. VPIFA reserves the right to accept or reject any application and/or terminate any membership at any time, based solely on the discretion of the Board of Directors. Decisions of the VPIFA Board shall be final in all matters.

Section 2:

All members (including coaches, players, cheerleaders and adult volunteers) shall be considered members-in-good-standing as long as all membership criteria as set forth in the VPIFA Constitution and bylaws are met and maintained, as well as having met all yearly fees. Additionally, the coaches and volunteers appointed by this association shall be considered members-in-good-standing as long as ALL association rules and regulations are adhered to and are actively and/or productively participating in association functions during such appointment. All members shall agree to abide by the rules and standards enforced by VPIFA.

Section 3:

Players and cheerleaders must provide VPIFA with a copy of their birth certificate, most recent report card, and a yearly physical report upon registration. Additionally, players must be certified according to their weight (at time of weigh-in) and age.

Section 4:

VPIFA will enforce the "no pass no play" rule. During the playing season, football players and cheerleaders must provide VPIFA with a copy of their latest Progress Report within one week of receiving it from school. Players and cheerleaders shall be suspended from all team activities effective immediatley for any failing grade. The suspended player or cheerleader must provide proof that he/she has improved the grade to passing by either providing a written note frm the teacher or grades printed off of Skyward to be eligible to participate in team activities.

Section 5:

Reprimands up to and including removal from the association and its activities shall be applied to any member whose actions are found to be detrimental or in violation of VPIFA rules, regulations, and standards. All decisions of the VPIFA Board of Directors shall be final.

Section 6:

In the event the Board of Directors removes a member resulting from disciplinary actions, the suspension shall be for a period no less than the remainder of the current season. After the completion of the suspension, the suspended party may petition the Board of Directors for reinstatement. The petition must be presented to the Board of Directors in writing. All reinstatements must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Directors. Reinstatement does not guarantee permanent placement within VPIFA. All reinstated members shall serve a probationary period of no less than one-year from the date of reinstatement. At the completion of the one-year probationary period, provided reinstated person(s) meets all membership criteria as set forth in the VPIFA Constitution and Bylaws during the one-year probation, the reinstated member will be considered in good-standing. All decisions of the VPIFA Board of Directors shall be final.


Article 4: Association Government

Section 1:

Elected Officers and Board of Directors shall govern the Vidor Pirate Intermediate Football Academy. All shall be members-in-good-standing residing in VISD prior to July 1 of the year of the election and members shall be at least 18 years of age.

Section 2:

A. VPIFA Officers:

1. President - presides over all meetings for VPIFA. Assigns the tasks and supervises all association operations. Nominates association members to the Board for consideration of vacated Board positions and, once voted upon by a majority vote of the Board, appoints members to vacated position(s). Is allowed to make motions and proposals. Projects a positive, professional image of him/herself and VPIFA. Enforces all VPIFA rules, regulations, and standards. Maintains communication and rapport with the VISD Athletic Department, Athletic Booster Club, and Project Graduation. Votes only in case of a tie.

2. Vice President - presides over association meetings in the absence of the President. Assists the President in association operations. Coordinates VPIFA business as necessary in the absence of the VPIFA President or his designee. Oversees the actions and activities of the association football coaches. Enforces all VPIFA rules, regulations, and standards. Possesses one Board vote.

3. Treasurer - maintains accurate records of all financial transactions. Pays all debts in a timely manner according to available organization funds. Makes all periodic reports to the Internal Revenue Service and Texas Secretary of State as required by these entities to maintain corporation and tax exempt status. Provides financial reports as necessary and manages the annual budgeting process. Maintains association insurance records. Enforces all VPIFA rules, regulations, and standards. Possesses one Board vote.

4. Executive Administrator - maintains accurate records of VPIFA Board meetings, member contact information, and player roster. Maintains documentation on all players, cheerleaders, and coaches. Manages the annual player registrations process. Informs the public of upcoming association events and activities. Enforces all VPIFA rules, regulations, and standards. Possesses one Board vote.


B. VPIFA Board of Directors:


1. Cheer Coordinator - manages the order and functionality of the VPIFA cheerleading program. Gathers proper documentation on all cheerleaders and cheer coaches in the VPIFA program (copies of: birth certificate, report card, registration form and physical form). Organizes cheerleading business between each squad's Cheer Coach and the VPIFA Board. Enforces all VPIFA rules, regulations, and standards. Possesses one Board vote.

2. Association Coordinator - manages business sponsorships, fundraising activities, team pictures, and year-end banquets. Solicits volunteer staffing as necessary so league business can be carried out in an efficient manner. Works with the Board when problems arise concerning volunteers. Possesses one Board vote.

3. Player Delegate - represents the interest of the players, cheerleaders, and their parents or guardians in league matters brought before the Board. Works in conjunction with the Board and divisional coaches to maintain respect for the rights of all participants in the VPIFA program. Enforces all VPIFA rules, regulations, and standards. Manages and maintains all player certifications as well as Mandatory Play Rule (MPR's) for all games and activities. Has the authority to appoint one Divisional Player Delegate per team. Possesses one Board vote.

4. Managing Team Parent - manages and oversees the efforts of each Team Parent and ensures they are communicated with appropriately. Manages the concessions including scheduling volunteers for concession stand. Solicits participation of all association members in VPIFA activities. Has the authority to appoint one Divisional Team Parent per team. Possesses one Board vote.

5. Equipment and Field Manager - manages the purchase, maintenance, repair, distribution, and collection of all VPIFA equipment necessary for the association to function properly. Maintains an accurate inventory of VPIFA assets. Organizes volunteer efforts in field maintenance and other necessary functions. Works in conjunction with the governing board in order to ensure that the needs of the association are met. Possesses one Board vote.

6. Web Master - maintains and controls the league's web site and all its content on behalf of VPIFA Board of Directors. Solicits information for timely updates on the site in order for it to be a primary source of information to league members. Enforces all VPIFA rules, regulations, and standards. Possesses on Board vote.

7. Immediate Past President - should serve as an advisor to the new President and Board of Directors in an effort to ensure a smooth transition of leadership. Should make the new President and Board of Directors aware of any ongoing projects, goals and any foreseeable obstacles. This position is an automatic position and is exempt from the normal criteria a Board member must meet. The term will be in effect for one year after his/her role as president has ended. Possesses one Board vote.

8. Members-At-Large - in the event VPIFA's Board of Directors elects to contain such positions, Members-At-Large shall possess one (1) Board vote per member. Members-At-Large shall report to President and work in conjunction with other Board members. Specific duties are assigned as needed. There shall be no more than six (6) Members-At-Large in any given year.

9. Founding Fathers - in order to maintain the continuity, direction, and spirit of VPIFA, Paul Heidleberg, Jr., Marvin Spears, Dowd Hauver, and Donnie Lacy will serve as lifetime members of the association. This position is reserved for those who assisted in the creation of VPIFA and no other member may ever be acknowledged as such. These members are to be consulted with and included in all league business so long as they desire. Possess one Board vote each.


Section 3:

Other association positions (possessing NO Board votes) are:


Divisional Cheer Coach- presides over practices and competitions of their respective divisional cheer squad. Provides all necessary paperwork and receipts to the Cheer Coordinator and Treasurer to maintain proper operation of their squad's activities. He/She shall report to Cheer Coordinator, Player Delegate and/or the VPIFA Board as a whole. Enforces all VPIFA rules, regulations, and standards. Assists in fundraising activities.


Divisional Head Football Coach- presides over practices and games of their respective divisional teams. Provides all necessary paperwork and receipts to Executive Administrator, Player Delegate, and/or Treasurer. Coordinates team management with Board of Directors, Assistant Coaches, and parents. He/ She shall report to Vice President, Player Delegate and/or the VPIFA Board as a whole. Enforces all VPIFA rules, regulations, and standards. Assists in fundraising activities. Assigns volunteers to serve as team medic, MPR person, and chain gang during games.


Assistant Football Coach- reports to his or her Divisional Head Coach. Each division shall have assistants to the Head Football Coach. Assistant Coaches shall be selected at the discretion of the Divisional Head Coach, but are subject to Board of Directors' approval. There shall be no more than six (6) Assistant Coaches per team. The First Assistant Coach shall direct games and practices in the absence of the Divisional Head Coach.


Divisional Team Parent- each division and/or team shall have a team parent. They shall be selected by and report to the association's Managing Team Parent. They shall assist the VPIFA Managing Team Parent, divisional head coach, and the Association Coordinator in conducting and organizing their respective team's activities (concession stands, banquets, parades, etc.).

Divisional Player Delegate- each division and/or team may have a player delegate. He or she shall be appointed by and report to the association's Player Delegate. Represents the interest of the players, cheerleaders, and their parents or guardians in their respective division. Works in conjunction with the association's Player Delegate and divisional coaches to maintain respect for the rights of all participants in the VPIFA program. Enforces all VPIFA rules, regulations, and standards.

Section 4:

Only VPIFA officials (Board members, coaches, adult volunteers) are allowed to enter the practice or game field and must have an official I.D. card displayed on their person at all times during team activities.

Section 5:

Elections of Board members shall be held in November or December of each year, unless other arrangements are made to accommodate the turnout of a majority of voting Board members. Immediately thereafter, officer positions will be determined by nomination and vote by incumbent Board.

Section 6:

Any Board position unfilled during the annual election, or vacated by resignation or removal shall be filled by Presidential appointment and ratified by majority vote of VPIFA Board so as to maintain continuity of the Board's activities.


Section 7:

Any Board member whose actions are detrimental to the successful operation of VPIFA or whose actions violate the rules, regulations, and standards of VPIFA, shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors for a possible reprimand or dismissal and replacement. All decisions of the Board of Directors shall be final.

Section 8:

Any Board member missing more than three (3) consecutive Board meetings, with the exception of the Past-President and Founding Fathers, without just cause shall face Board review to determine if replacement is necessary.

Section 9:

The President will determine the frequency and schedule of Board meetings. Special meetings may be called by a majority of the Board members. A simple majority of VPIFA Board members shall constitute a quorum. A quorum must be present to have a formal meeting; however, voting by proxy is acceptable.


Article 5: Association Expenses

Section 1:

VPIFA must maintain yearly insurance coverage on all players and cheerleaders actively certified in the association.


Section 2:

Registration fees shall be evaluated every year by the Board of Directors to maintain reasonable customary fees, while still maintaining a solid financial base adequate to sustain the association's operation.


Section 3:

The Treasurer or President only, has the signature authority for issuing VPIFA checks. Checks in the amount of $250 or less may be drafted without prior consent but the issuer must inform the Board at the next meeting. The VPIFA Board must approve all expenses larger than $250.


Section 4:

VPIFA may be required to pay dues in order to participate in a hosting league.



Article 6: Fundraising

Section 1:

There shall be yearly solicitation of local businesses for VPIFA sponsorship, as deemed necessary by the Board, to help offset league operating costs. The Board shall provide to the sponsors some form of gratuity (i.e., team picture plaque, advertisement banner, etc.) for monies received in sponsorship of association activities.

Section 2:

The Board of Directors shall determine if, and to what extent, fundraising by players, cheerleaders, parents, and volunteers is required to reach VPIFA's financial goals.

Section 3:

A concession stand shall be provided for each VPIFA home game as an additional source of income for the league.


Section 4:

All VPIFA Board members are expected to actively participate in all association fund raising activities.



Article7: Divisions

Section 1:

Both Football and Cheerleading divisions shall be determined according to the rules of the hosting league.


Section 2:

Any player exceeding the weight in their division may move up to the next division without any position restrictions until they meet the age requirement for that division. Any player moving up to the next division must meet the overall weight requirements for that division.


Article 8: Safety

Section 1:

Each team / division must have at least one adult volunteer in attendance that is qualified with the minimum of standard first aid/CPR certificate of completion or equivalent. These adult volunteers must be on site at all times during the team's events. These certificates must be placed in the authority of the VPIFA Executive Administrator prior to the first week of practices.


Section 2:

No team or squad will be allowed to practice or perform any other group activity without at least one qualified safety person present and a first aid kit available within 100 ft.



Article 9: Amendments

Section 1:

Any additions, amendments, or deletions to the VPIFA Constitution and Bylaws shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board members and at least two votes in favor of proposed change from any two of the Founding Fathers (see Article 4, Section 2L). Should fewer than two FF votes be obtainable, either by death or legal lack of mental capacity, Atricle 4, Section 2L shall be removed from the VPIFA Constitution and Bylaws.


Section 2:

Article 4, Section 2L of the VPIFA Constitution and Bylaws may only be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board members and three votes in favor of proposed change from any three of the Founding Fathers. Should fewer than two FF votes be obtainable, either by death or legal lack of mental capacity, Atricle 4, Section 2L shall be removed from the VPIFA Constitution and Bylaws.



Article 10: Dissolution of Association

Section 1:

In the event of dissolution of the Vidor Pirate Intermediate Football Academy, Inc., all outstanding debts shall be paid, if funding permits, from the funds remaining in the association treasury account. In the event necessary funds within the treasury account are not available to compensate such debt, necessary dissolution fundraising shall be required until such debt is paid in full. Any funds remaining beyond the debt repayment shall be donated to the Vidor Independent School District Athletic Department.



Article 11: Conduct & Ethics

Section 1:

VPIFA Board members shall be held to the highest of standards. They should be viewed upon as caring, professional people striving to always act appropriately amongst association members. At no time shall they ever engage in a confrontational manner in front of the public. The Board members must be supportive and never slanderous.


Section 2:

VPIFA coaches shall abide by the Coach's Code of Conduct. They must employ positive coaching techniques and never do anything that may harm a player. The coach shall never engage in a confrontation with an association member, other coach, or referee. Any coach ejected from a game will be brought before the VPIFA Board for review within 6 days of the incident. Penalty for ejection from a game will be determined by the Board and could include suspension.


Section 3:

All VPIFA association members are required to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate for a youth sports venue and agree to do so by abiding by the Parent Code of Conduct. At no time shall a member engage in a confrontation with a coach, referee, player, or other member. Association members are not allowed to enter the practice area or game field without permission from a league official.


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Email : [email protected]
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